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Las mil caras de la Violencia contra las Mujeres
“La violencia contra las mujeres es quizás la más vergonzosa violación a los derechos humanos. En la medida en que perdure, no podemos decir que progresamos hacia la equidad, el desarrollo y la paz.” (Kofi Annan, exsecretario general de la ONU). Este te...
Las mil caras de la Violencia contra las Mujeres
“La violencia contra las mujeres es quizás la más vergonzosa violación a los derechos humanos. En la medida en que perdure, no podemos decir que progresamos hacia la equidad, el desarrollo y la paz.” (Kofi Annan, exsecretario general de la ONU). Este te...
La protección del derecho de las mujeres a una vida libre de violencias | Datos y hechos regionales
Datos útiles sobre la protección del derecho de las mujeres a una vida libre de violencias en el Ecuador
Factsheet about the PreViMujer II program to prevent violence against women in Ecuador
Violence against women limits the full development of people, of societies and countries. Factsheet about the PreViMujer II program to prevent violence against women in Ecuador. Download (2021, pdf, 299 KB) View in Spanish | Vie...
Factsheet ‘Strengthening the specialist judicial system to prevent violence against women’
Violence against women (VAW) is the most widespread human rights violation and is a complex and systemic problem. In Peru, around 70% of women have experienced violence at the hands of their partner (ENARES -INEI, 2019). In 2018, Peru’s national specialized ju...
Flyer: Regional program ComVoMujer and its efforts to prevent violence against women
Flyer to learn more about the Regional Program ComVoMujer and its efforts to prevent violence against women. Download (2014, pdf, 421 KB) View in Spanish
Executive Summary “The business costs of violence against women in Ecuador“
Violence against women is one of the most serious and widespread violations of human rights and a chronic social problem that creates harmful effects at all levels. In Ecuador, 6 out of 10 women have experienced some type of gender violence (INEC 2011). As it ...
Infographic “The business costs of violence against women in Ecuador“
Infographic on the business costs of violence against women in Ecuador. Download (2021, pdf, 477 KB) View in Spanish
Executive Summary “The individual, domestic and community costs of violence against women in Ecuador”
In Ecuador, according to the Encuesta Nacional de Relaciones Familiares y Violencia de Género contra las Mujeres1 (National Survey on Family Relations and Gender-Based Violence against Women), approximately 65 out of every 100 women are psychologically, econom...
Infographic “The individual, domestic and community costs of violence against women in Ecuador”
Infographic on the individual, domestic and community costs of violence against women in Ecuador Download (2021, pdf, 530 KB) View in Spanish
Executive summary: “The Invisible Costs of Violence against Women for Ecuadorian Micro-enterprises”
50% of small business owners have experienced violence by their partners. This fact not only negatively affects the profitability and productivity of their businesses, but also puts their existence at risk. The publication helps both private and public sector ...
Infographic “The cost of violence against women for micro-enterprises in Ecuador“
Infographic on the cost of violence against women for micro-enterprises in Ecuador Download (2021, pdf, 1.6 MB) View in Spanish
Executive Summary “The direct governmental costs of violence against women in Ecuador”
A key element in making violence against women visible in all its forms and spheres of occurrence is the generation of statistical information, which makes it possible to quantify, characterize, and measure this social problem. The collaboration established b...
Infographic “The direct governmental costs of violence against women in Ecuador”
Infographic of the direct governmental costs of violence against women in Ecuador Download (2021, pdf, 503 KB) View in Spanish
Study “The country costs of violence against women in Ecuador”
This study is the second of its kind to be carried out in Latin America, its only precedent being a similar study carried out in 2017 by the Regional Program to Combat Violence against Women in Latin America (Programa Regional Combatir la Violencia contra las ...
Infographic “The country costs of violence against women in Ecuador“
Infographic on the country costs of violence against women in Ecuador Download (2021, pdf, 498 KB) View in Spanish
Executive Summary “Violence against women and its financial consequences for businesses in Bolivia”
As a result of violence against women, Bolivian companies lose 52,858,213 working days per year, representing a loss of US$ 1,976,294,112, equivalent to 6.46% of the GDP. The study shows that having aggressors as collaborators is more costly for companies, as ...
Infographic “Yes, but no. Implicit acceptance of violence against women among university students in Peru.”
Infographic “Yes, but no. Implicit acceptance of violence against women among university students in Peru.” Download (2021, pdf, 616 KB) View in Spanish
The cost of violence against women in formal micro-enterprises: the case of Peru
In Latin America, microenterprises and other forms of micro-entrepreneurship account for over 95 % of all business activity and are an important source of employment and livelihoods for millions, especially for women. Due to their sheer number, the microente...